PNF is the work of George Brabant and his wife after they discovered permaculture over a decade ago and redesigned their lives to fit within nature.

As they learned more and enjoyed the way their lives improved with the permaculture principles, they realized this ability to dramatically reduce their ecological footprint was something they needed to share. PNF offers classes, tours, design consultations, sustainable building consultations, perma-emersion weekends, and a roadside farm store on the weekends.

A Permaculture Designed FoodForest

In the city limits of Asheville NC

Using nature as a guideline, we mimic the connections we see when observing the forest to grow as much food as possible with as few inputs as possible. Knowing the edge of a forest turns green every year from the bottom  to the top for millennia with no needed input from us. We use plants that  perform these functions while feeding us and our animals. Some plants catch and store nitrogen and share it with the plants around them yet others use long tap roots to access nutrients deep in the soil inaccessible to shallower rooted plants around them, and share it. Still others call out to animals and insects to come in and carry their pollen and seed where needed. A great part is using many beautiful flowers to call in the beneficial insects to defend our delicate annual plants as well as the perennials

Using Plants, Animals and fungi’s symbiotic relationships to meet the needs of the whole creates maximum output with limited inputs. This being a regenerative design it goes beyond sustainable and becomes more diverse, fertile and full of life as the years go by. Designed to catch energy in many forms and store it for later.

Come see what we are up to. Take a tour, join a class, help out in a workshop or lets us help you design for abundance on your property

Phat Ninja FoodForest

Offering Classes/workshops/tours/consultation, and inspiration!

We offer year round classes and workshops, tours  consultations, design and installation

Let us help you learn about and realize your food producing paradise

George Brabant ph-(828)-275-9800

facebook: Phat Ninja FoodForest

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